Disclaimer: These are general recommendations, please visit a health professional for more detailed medical advice. Read full disclaimer.
Get tested now
Recommended if:
- You have, or think you may have, any STI or BBV symptoms
- Someone you’ve had sexual or blood contact with has told you they have been diagnosed with an STI or BBV
- You’ve had any blood contact and not previously tested for BBVs
- You’ve had sex with someone in the last 12 months, but haven’t had a test in that time
Get tested every 3 months
Recommended if:
- You’ve had 10 or more partners in the last 6 months
- You use alcohol or drugs before most sex
- You have regular contact with blood
- You share injecting equipment
Get tested every 6 months
Recommended if:
- You’ve had between 2 and 10 partners in the last 6 months
- You use alcohol or drugs some of the time before sex
Get tested every 12 months
Recommended if:
- You’ve had 1 partner in the last 6 months
- You are at low/no risk of BBV infections
Need help working out when to get tested? Take our Sexual Safety Quiz!