Reducing your risk of STIs and BBVs
While testing is an important part of managing STIs and BBVs, here are some other methods you can use to reduce your risk:
Talk about sexual health with your partner s so everyone can make informed choices.
Barrier methods
Condoms can prevent STIs, BBVs and unplanned pregnancy. Dams can also prevent STIs during oral sex.
HIV prevention
- You can protect yourself against HIV by taking pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) every day.
- Effective HIV treatments are available to prevent people with HIV from passing it on to others through sex (undetectable = untransmissible).
- If you think you have come into contact with HIV, post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) can help protect you if you take it within three days.
Vaccines are available to protect against hepatitis B and some strains of HPV that can cause genital warts and cervical cancer.
Needle safety
- Avoid sharing or reusing injecting equipment.
- You can get sterile needles through a needle and syringe program. Check out
- Only visit tattoo and piercing places with high safety standards
Related resources
Sexually transmitted infections and blood-borne viruses brochure
Downloads, Medical

Letter template for health appointments
Downloads, Medical

Sexual health testing video
Medical, Video

Language Guide: Sexual health, STIs and BBVs for trans, gender diverse and non-binary people
Downloads, Language, Professionals